Buzzwords: Quanto sono importanti per i contenuti?

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Spesso, le buzzwords vengono percepite come fastidiose ed inappropriate. Pur essendo in grado di creare un senso di appartenenza, molto utile per comunicare efficacemente un concetto, risultano alienanti, frustranti e addirittura prive di significato. In questo articolo scopriremo se valga davvero la pena utilizzarle in una strategia di marketing.

span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>So-called “buzzwords,” or buzzwords, may be considered useful for improving digital marketing campaigns, but are they really that effective? These terms, very common in every media, are used to communicate vague concepts and, often, lack a real specific meaning.

In this article, we will examine the pros and cons of buzzwords and try to understand if, when and how it is appropriate to use them.

What are buzzwords?

It’s hard to define what buzzwords are exactly. So let’s start by specifying what they’re not. Buzzwords are neither colloquialisms nor technical terms, but something very similar.

  • Colloquial Expressions: Colloquial expressions, or slang, are inextricably linked to specific cultures, historical periods, and demographic classes. They are constantly evolving terms used in informal contexts. The correct use of colloquial expressions facilitates interactions with certain groups of people, while inappropriate use can make speech bizarre and incomprehensible.
  • Technical terms: Technical language is often superfluous and generally understood only by a narrow circle of people. Technical terms can make communication more effective (as with acronyms ) , but they are by their very nature exclusionary.

Buzzwords can be considered a sort of hybrid between these two realities. They are usually informal words, whose purpose is to communicate a concept, including or excluding one or more groups of people. Consequently, they are comparable to colloquial expressions or technical terms, with the only difference that buzzwords do not contain a specific meaning, other than that accumulated through extensive and repetitive use.

In simpler terms, a buzzword is a word that attracts the reader’s attention, such as “shocking” or “surprisingly.” These definitions do not in any way aid the understanding of a text, but are used exclusively to arouse interest and curiosity.

In a marketing strategy, it is preferable to avoid using buzzwords, understood as exclusive technical terms. Words that cause clamor, on the other hand, are almost inevitable, both in marketing and in real life.


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The term buzzwords can refer to a word used in specific elite contexts or to a term designed to attract attention.

Why use buzzwords in content?

Whether or not to use buzzwords in a marketing campaign depends largely on the definition of buzzwords you are referring to and the type of content you intend to create. As mentioned above, it is best to avoid using buzzwords as a means of creating exclusive groups, otherwise the content may be difficult to understand or of questionable usefulness.

The importance of buzzwords is unquestionable when you need to capture the reader’s attention. Even in this case, however, these words should be used sporadically and appropriately, unless you are trying to compulsively attract the greatest possible number of visitors from the web.

Benefits of Buzzwords

Below we list some of the main benefits of using buzzwords in online content.

To simplify the contents

Buzzwords can help convey certain concepts, or at least simplify them for those who already know the meaning of that term. When creating content aimed at a certain demographic, using a few buzzwords can make the text clearer and more appealing.

In this case, buzzwords merge with slang expressions. However, they should only be used when they are useful for understanding the content and never to make the text obscure and indecipherable for non-experts.

To keep up with the times

Some terms, phrases and expressions can quickly go out of fashion and, depending on the target audience, infuse a piece of content with a touch of topicality. Buzzwords can be extremely useful for this purpose, but only if they are used responsibly.

Using a buzzword inappropriately can make you sound fake and out of context. If a word doesn’t fit naturally into a sentence, don’t force it.

To arouse interest

Some buzzwords evoke specific topics and can help you quickly communicate a message, or clarify your positions on a certain issue. This can be very useful when you want to interact with a particular group of people. Certain words can signal that the content is aimed at specific people and increase the audience’s interest in the brand.

To improve SEO positioning

We can’t forget SEO positioning ! It’s a bit boring, but still essential. Buzzwords will tell search engines what topics your content is addressing, as well as who it’s aimed at, improving your online positioning.

Disadvantages of buzzwords

But there are also negative aspects: if used improperly, buzzwords can discourage the reader and hinder the understanding of a text.

They make the content vague and complicated

Buzzwords are a perfect example of how you can go overboard with stylistic evolutions, completely penalizing the substance. Using them in a reckless way, your content could appear vague, frivolous and uninteresting. With buzzwords it is easier to communicate your ideas and intentions with a touch of personality, rather than expressing profound concepts.

It’s easy to misuse them

When using buzzwords, it’s easy to get carried away and overdo it, which can backfire. Your content can end up looking unprofessional, bland, and boring. Plus, overusing buzzwords can hurt your SEO and cause your text to be classified as spam.

They discourage the reader

One of the biggest negatives associated with using buzzwords is the boredom they instill in readers. Buzzwords are almost devoid of any real meaning and are often annoying. Sometimes, they appear as a clumsy attempt to modernise outdated content or to infuse a touch of humanity into a text written by a multinational. Humans have a unique way of expressing themselves and any manipulation or forcing will make the message sound fake and artificial.

Their popularity varies over time

Buzzwords are often buzzwords, so their popularity can fluctuate over time. Using a buzzword that is no longer in use can make you appear old-fashioned and unreliable. Buzzwords will only be effective if used at the right time, otherwise they will make your content useless or, worse, misleading.


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When used naturally and occasionally, buzzwords can help you communicate with your target audience. Using old-fashioned buzzwords, on the other hand, can make you appear old-fashioned.

Buzzwords Examples

Below, we’ll look at some of the most popular buzzwords in 2023 and whether or not they’re a good fit for your marketing strategy.

As a general rule, any buzzword can quickly become boring and out of place. Think about the phrase “unprecedented” used at the beginning of COVID. Initially, the situation seemed truly unprecedented, but within a week, the phrase had already been used so many times that it no longer had any real meaning. However, it was useful in expressing the gravity of what was happening.

Here are some relevant buzzwords in 2023:

  • Polycrisis: Climate change, wars, social unrest. All these difficulties have given rise to the term “polycrisis,” to emphasize the many current problems. But does this word really describe the historical period or just our personal conception of this era?
  • Woke Ideology: “Wokeness” is a concept that originated in academic circles in the United States, and refers to people who are “alert” or attentive to social issues, such as racial or gender discrimination. The term is also used in political debates and on a variety of topics, but it has become meaningless.
  • Culture Wars: Closely related to “woke” ideology, the so-called culture wars between the “wokerati” and their opponents have fueled several political movements in the West. But are these real culture wars? Or is it rather a political ploy to exacerbate rivalries and divide peoples?
  • Mass Layoffs: This term refers to a trend that emerged earlier this year, when many tech companies began laying off large segments of their workforces due to increasingly gloomy economic prospects. Beware, this term could become a self-fulfilling prophecy!
  • Bossware: This term originated after the COVID pandemic, when many people began working remotely. It refers to software used to monitor employees’ work activities. While many employers use a variety of strategies to monitor their employees, the generic term “bossware” is often overused and misused and is quickly losing its original meaning.

Potentially effective buzzwords

Are there any buzzwords that are actually effective? Here are some tips on how to use buzzwords to grab your reader’s attention .

  • Surprisingly/Remarkably: Words like this are timeless and can be used without the risk of appearing like impostors. They attract attention and are not necessarily redundant.
  • You/You: It’s hard to say whether these are true buzzwords, but it seems that addressing readers directly in headlines and other parts of your copy is a great way to connect with your audience and increase engagement.
  • How to: These three words, often used in blog titles, always have a certain power, as they manage to communicate a message in a clear and direct way (and are perfect for SEO).

Buzzwords to Avoid

This list is nearly endless, but here are some of the absolute worst buzzwords:

  • Brainstorming
  • Synergy
  • Workshop
  • Data-driven content
  • Useful information
  • Any expression that might be used on LinkedIn. Even if you love boardroom jargon, not everyone thinks the same way.


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Buzzwords are closely linked to the historical period in which they are coined and used. Apart from a few rare cases, they tend to become cloying and boring.

Using Buzzwords in Online Content: Final Tips

Finally, we will provide some tips to point you in the right direction if you decide to use buzzwords in your digital marketing strategy.

Use them only for internal communications

Within a company, buzzwords can help express and communicate ideas, but in external contexts they can make people feel alienated and isolated.

Therefore, consider using buzzwords only for internal company communications and only when absolutely necessary.

Consider their value

If you use a buzzword, make sure it really adds to the point you’re making. If you just want to sound more knowledgeable and knowledgeable, the buzzword could backfire on you.

Be aware of their meaning

Make sure you know the real meaning of the buzzword you intend to use. Incorrect usage can create confusion and make you appear unprofessional.

Put them into context

If you choose to use buzzwords, make sure your audience can understand and recognize them in context, without feeling left out or, worse yet, not up to par. So when you use specific terms, help the reader understand them.

Don’t overdo it

Excessive use of buzzwords makes the speech boring and heavy. Therefore, avoid using technical, sterile and aseptic language. To really enhance their effectiveness, use buzzwords only occasionally.

Keep your content up to date

Buzzwords are highly volatile in popularity, and any text that contains them needs to be updated regularly to avoid appearing outdated or redundant. If you want your texts to remain relevant and interesting for a long time, stay away from buzzwords as much as possible.

Hire a content writer

By turning to professional content writers , you can avoid the most insidious linguistic pitfalls and make your content more interesting and rich in style.


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To engage readers and not alienate them from communication, it is essential to use buzzwords sporadically and appropriately.

Buzzwords: Use them responsibly

When in doubt, avoid using any buzzword. There are much better alternatives to communicate an idea in an inclusive way and make the content more appealing. The only time buzzwords are useful is when you need to quickly convey a message to a group of people, for example on a social platform, as these terms can condense a large number of ideas and clearly express your point of view on certain issues. However, this virtue can become a double-edged sword and make the content vague and often exclusive. It is essential to keep this in mind to use buzzwords in the most effective way possible.